Contact Us
It’s easy to get to our office!
You should enter to the territory of «Omega Plaza» business center from the 3rd Avtozavodskoy proezd. After you should pass through the wicket with the signboard «Корпорация РБС» (RBS Corporation), go round building 1 by your left hand and pass inside the building through the revolving door. We will meet you there and take you to the office. Please, phone us beforehand and make an arrangement.
Our phone number: +7 (495) 772–9791
How to find us:
We are located at «Omega Plaza» business-center:
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Contact us
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
RBS Corporation
19, bld.1, Leninskaya Sloboda Str.,
«Omega Plaza» business-center,
Moscow, Russia, 115280
Phone: +7 (495) 772–9791 (42 lines in)
ICQ consultant: 377–169–437